Gandhimathi, the 55-year-old female elephant of Sri Nellaiappar Temple in Tirunelveli passed away on Sunday. The temple administration has designated a land near Thamarai Kulam parking area of the temple for its burial. As a mark of respect, the temple management has announced that the temple would remain closed for darshan until the elephant’s final rites were completed, followed by …
The much-celebrated Aani car festival of Swami Nellaiyappar Gandhimathi Ambal Temple here, which would attract thousands of devotees every year, began on ominous note as three ropes of the car got snapped when the car was drawn at 7.18 a.m. on Friday, June 21, 2024. As part of the Aani festival, the foremost celebration of Swami Nellaiyappar Gandhimathi Ambal, the …