Apple unveiled a new smartwatch dedicated to outdoor fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and workaholics. Now, the pricing of the Apple Watch Ultra pits it against the Garmin Epix 2 smartwatch which has similar features and targets a similar group of buyers. The Garmin Epix 2 has a resolution of 416 x 416 whereas the Apple Watch Ultra features a resolution of …
Conventional wisdom takes us in a very familiar direction every time we talk of smartwatches for fitness tracking. The Garmin Epix 2, which now sits at the top of the company’s watch line-up, is in a way ushering in a new direction. Not the Garmin Epix 2, which in our experience, consistently returns almost 7 days of battery stamina before …
Smart wearable maker Garmin has announced the launch of its new Fenix 7 smartwatch series today in India. The series includes two models – Garmin Fenix 7 and Fenix 7X – both offering similar features but the latter sports a bigger display. Garmin Fenix 7 Series Specifications The regular Garmin Fenix 7 offers a viewing area of 1.3-inch, while the …