Following Russia’s February 24 invasion of Ukraine, Moscow asked clients from ‘unfriendly countries’ to pay for gas in roubles, a way to sidestep sanctions. “Starting from today, during the upcoming summer season, Gasum will supply natural gas to its customers from other sources through the Balticconnector pipeline.” Balticconnector links Finland to neighbouring Estonia’s gas grid. ‘Gas system in balance’ Gazprom …
The European Union’s guidelines appear to allow the continent’s energy giants to keep buying Russian gas without breaching sanctions. European energy giants are pressing ahead with plans to keep buying Russian gas as the European Union’s guidelines appeared to allow them to do so without breaching sanctions. Even as conflicting messages continued to emerge from Brussels over the legality of …
European companies are starting to move ahead to comply with Russian demands and keep the gas flowing. EU sanctions “do not prevent economic operators from opening a bank account in a designated bank for payments due under contracts for the supply of natural gas in a gaseous state, in the currency specified in those contracts,” the commission said. “Operators should …