While she was born into a Hindu family with Sikh roots, Geeta Basra learnt the essence of Sikhism only after getting married to cricketer Harbhajan Singh. On Guru Nanak Jayanti today, the actor says, “It’s like a huge festival which the whole of Punjab celebrates like Diwali. The teachings of Sikhism, the peace and prosperity and the Guruji’s paath, it’s …
Actor Geeta Basra and cricketer Harbhajan Singh are planning a big family affair in Punjab to celebrate their son Jovan’s first Diwali, and there are many more reasons which are getting her excited for the festival of light. Geeta Basra and her husband and cricketer Harbhajan Singh welcomed their son Jovan on July 10 this year “We will celebrate Diwali …
Geeta Basra has spilled the beans on why she decided not to return to films after getting hitched to cricket star Harbhajan Singh and starting a family with him. The couple announced the news of Geeta’s second pregnancy on social media last month. The photo features Geeta, Harbhajan, and their daughter Hinaya Heer Plaha. View this post on Instagram A …