Indian Railways has arranged 7,000 special trains to cater to the increased rush of passengers during the Diwali and Chhath Puja festivals. The number of passengers increased during the festive season of Diwali and Chhath, and the railway has made elaborate arrangements to accommodate them. More than 7000 special trains have been arranged, generating over one crore extra seats, for …
The fairy lights have come up, and markets are brimming with festive fervour as we see some of the best deals and jaw-dropping discounts on our favourite brands. This Diwali, bring home the latest addition to Samsung’s iconic S Series — the iconic Galaxy S23 FE — at just ₹67 a day as part of a special ongoing festive offer …
Salman Khan’s upcoming film Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, which was renamed Bhaijaan, will release with the initial title now. The film was originally called Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali, and that’s the title that Salman is likely to adhere to," a source close to the project was quoted as saying by Bollywood Hungama. The report also stated that Salman Khan suggested …
Diwali Muhurat trading 2021: Leading stock exchanges Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange conducted a one-hour special muhurat trading session on the occasion of Diwali today. Domestic equity benchmarks mustered smart gains on Thursday as investors built up fresh positions in the special Muhurat trading session to mark the beginning of Hindu Samvat year 2078. Domestic markets conduct a …
Actor Geeta Basra and cricketer Harbhajan Singh are planning a big family affair in Punjab to celebrate their son Jovan’s first Diwali, and there are many more reasons which are getting her excited for the festival of light. Geeta Basra and her husband and cricketer Harbhajan Singh welcomed their son Jovan on July 10 this year “We will celebrate Diwali …