Patel’s love for the natural world, and his looking at the fact of mortality through it came up several times during the evening. ” An art of courage An art of understatement, an opinion of extremes – such was the clay that formed Gieve Patel’s life and his art, said his friends. “‘There are only 15 artists or poets worth …
Published : Jun 26, 2024 11:00 IST - 7 MINS READ You are looking at a painting, say Gieve Patel’s Crows With A Debris —two crows are pecking at the remains of an animal flattened and decapitated by the tyre of a car or bike; the tyre mark is embossed on the grey surface of the tarred road, the grooves …
On the evening of January 19, the Experimental Theatre at the National Centre for Performing Arts hosted a spirited celebration of poetry, art and theatre to pay homage to Gieve Patel, the polymath who passed away at the age of 83 in November 2023. Patel’s daughter, Avaan, who is a theatre director and actor, says, “Arundhathi has known my father, …