In a tragic incident, at least three girls were allegedly molested by an unidentified individual while they were returning from tuition in Noida on Thursday. According to the information released, the incident occurred in Noida's Sector 39 when the three girls were on their way back home to Morna village after attending their tuition situated in Sardarpur Colony. The police …
Delhi Police on Thursday released the sketch of a man who allegedly misbehaved with girl students in a northeast Delhi school. "On the basis of identity revealed by the girls, portray of suspect person has been prepared and two suspects have been zeroed-in," the police said. DCW Chief Swati Maliwal said, "The Commission has issued a notice to Delhi Police …
On November 18, the two school managers of Purkaji town stopped 17 girls from Bhopa at GGS International School at night, spiked their food and allegedly molested them An FIR has been lodged against the managers of two schools in UP’s Muzaffarnagar after 17 girls of Class 10 were drugged and then allegedly molested on the pretext of a practical …