The Supreme Court of India has granted the central government four weeks to decide on the mercy petition of Balwant Singh Rajoana, a convict involved in the 1995 assassination of Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh. The court’s decision, issued on November 23, 2024, came after Rajoana’s legal team and advocates argued that his execution had been repeatedly delayed and that …
In a week when India registered over 100,000 new covid-19 cases for the first time since mid-January, a string of moves from multiple stakeholders aiming to scale up and streamline vaccine outreach in the country took centrestage. The first three days of this wider remit saw India average 0.57 million vaccine doses a day. India’s vaccine programme has entered a …
New Delhi: The government on Wednesday gave extra time for individuals and businesses to meet various compliance requirements including for filing tax returns amid signs that the coronavirus pandemic will take time to subside. The finance ministry notified fresh due date for filing tax returns for FY19 and gave more time for making investments to claim tax deductions for FY20 …