The Delhi Police have detained six people for raising the controversial slogan "desh ke gaddaron ko, goli maro sa***n ko" at the Rajiv Chowk metro station today. The Delhi Police said "six boys" were found shouting the slogans at Rajiv Chowk metro station. CISF February 29, 2020 "On February 29, at about 10:25 hours, six youths were seen shouting …
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on February 13 said speeches like goli maro and ‘Indo-Pak match’ should not have been made by BJP leaders during the recent Delhi Assembly election campaign and that such remarks may have resulted in the party’s defeat. “Statements like goli maro and ‘Indo-Pak match’ should not have been made. Replying to a question, Mr. Shah …
Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Thursday said hate speeches like 'goli maro' and 'Indo-Pak match' should not have been made by BJP leaders during the recent Delhi Assembly election campaign and that such remarks may have resulted in the party's defeat. "Statements like 'goli maro' and 'Indo-Pak match' should not have been made. Replying to a question, Amit Shah …
A group of men gathered near the Jamia Millia Islamia University and raised slogans on Tuesday. Carrying national flags, the men were heard shouting ‘Jai Shri Ram’ and ‘goli maro….’ New Delhi: A group of men gathered near the Jamia Millia Islamia University and raised slogans on Tuesday. Carrying national flags, the men were heard shouting “Jai Shri Ram” and …