The Supreme Court on Wednesday dashed the hopes of Uddhav Thackeray-led Maha Vikas Aghadi government to retain power in Maharashtra by refusing to stay a floor test called for by Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari on June 30 on a request made by Leader of Opposition and BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis. “We are not staying the floor test,” Justice Kant …
The Bharatiya Janata Party on Sunday said Governor BS Koshyari’s decision is not subject to judicial scrutiny and sought from the Supreme Court two to three days’ time to prove its majority on the floor of the assembly. The Sena, NCP and Congress had urged the top court to direct Governor Koshyari to conduct a floor test and let chief …
It's been almost three weeks since results were released for the Maharashtra assembly election. Break-up of the Maharashtra assembly election results: BJP : 105 Shiv Sena: 56 Congress: 44 Nationalist Congress Party: 54 Other parties: 16 Independents: 13 While the BJP looked set to return to power with the help of its ally Shiv Sena, there was some cause for …