【我国的功勋荣誉表彰体系】 自党的十八大以来,为建立起中国特色功勋荣誉表彰体系,党中央确立了“1+1+3”的制度建设方案。即,党中央制定一个指导性文件,全国人大常委会制定一部法律,有关方面分别制定党内、国家、军队3个功勋荣誉表彰条例。 当前,中国确立了以“五章一簿”为主干的统一、规范、权威的功勋荣誉表彰制度体系。 “五章”是指“共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”、“七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”、“八一勋章(the August 1 Medal)”、“友谊勋章(the Friendship Medal)”以及国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor);“一簿”是指功勋簿(Book of Merit)。 “共和国勋章(the Medal of the Republic)”(2019年9月29日首次颁授) 共和国勋章 授予为党、国家和人民的事业作出巨大贡献、功勋卓著的杰出人士(those with great contributions and distinguished service for the Party, the country and the people),这是根据宪法法律规定,由全国人大常委会决定、国家主席签发证书并颁授的国家勋章,是国家最高荣誉(the highest honor of the country)。 “七一勋章(the July 1 Medal)”(2021年6月29日首次颁授) 七一勋章 授予在中国特色社会主义伟大事业和党的建设新的伟大工程中作出杰出贡献的党员(CPC members who have made great contributions to …
成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province said visitors will have to book tickets online during the upcoming National Day holiday that runs from Oct 1 to 7. 届时将有97个国家的188名驻华武官应邀观看阅兵活动。 阅兵不是“秀肌肉” China has no intention nor need to flex its muscles in the military parade, said Wu Qian, a …
Archaeologist Fan Jinshi arrives at the Great Hall of the People, Sept 29, 2019. President Xi Jinping presented national medals and honorary titles of the People's Republic of China to awardees in the Great Hall of the People on Sunday morning. Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, …
今年是中华人民共和国成立70周年,党中央决定,首次开展国家勋章(the Medal of the Republic)和国家荣誉称号(national titles of honor)集中评选颁授,隆重表彰一批为新中国建设和发展作出杰出贡献的功勋模范人物。 Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, at her home in Beijing. 因发现青蒿素而获得2015年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖的我国科学家屠呦呦入选“共和国勋章”建议名单。 Besides Tu, seven other role models have been nominated for the honor, including Zhang Fuqing, a 94-year-old war hero who served as a soldier in the Chinese People's Liberation Army during …