Cases registered against green activists who tried to stop felling of trees in Mumbai's Aarey Colony will be withdrawn, Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray announced on Sunday night. Cases were registered after clashes broke out between the police and green activists opposing axing of trees by the Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd in Aarey Colony early October for construction of …
Aarey Protest LIVE: In a victory for green activists, the Supreme Court today ordered status quo in the Aarey tree felling case, ordering the Maharashtra government not to cut down any more trees till the next hearing on October 21. The court was hearing petitions by activists who are protesting against the felling of over 2,600 trees in Aarey colony …
Green activists of Braj Mandal have demanded protection of the original Sri Krishna land, with mangroves, water bodies and the Yamuna river restored, as described in ancient texts. On Saturday, as lakhs of devotees line up for a darshan of little Sri Krishna in the temples of Mathura and Vrindavan on his birthday, nature lovers, river activists and heritage conservationists …
LOADING ERROR LOADING The Green New Dealers are taking their movement on the road. It’s been a whirlwind two months since the youth activists of the Sunrise Movement staged protests in Democratic leaders’ offices, bringing into the mainstream calls for a Green New Deal ― a sweeping federal policy that would mandate 100 percent renewable energy and provide good-paying sustainable …
Coimbatore: Green activists are demanding action against illegally constructions blocking the elephant migratory path in Coimbatore forest division. “However, this time we are going to implement new methods and also a study to avoid further conflicts as a permanent solution suggested by the environmentalists and conservation journalists of Coimbatore," the source said. "People living in outskirts close to Reserve forest …