The Enforcement Directorate on Monday questioned former West Bengal junior education minister Paresh Chandra Adhikary for around four hours in connection with the multi-crore school recruitment scam in the state. The Trinamool Congress legislator from Mekhliganj in north Bengal was dropped from the cabinet by West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee in August this year. Allegations surfaced that Ankita Adhikary, …
Sleuths of the Enforcement Directorate on Monday interrogated former West Bengal minister Paresh Adhikari in connection with a teacher recruitment scam. The former minister of state for education is facing allegations of adopting illegal means to get her daughter Ankita appointed as a teacher in a state-run school in Cooch Behar district. The Calcutta High Court had earlier this year …
The CBI on Wednesday morning grilled arrested Trinamool Congress leader Anubrata Mondal’s accountant at its temporary camp office here as a part of its ongoing investigation into an alleged cattle smuggling scam, a senior officer said. A team of Central Bureau of Investigation sleuths grilled for two hours Mondal’s accountant Manish Kothari and two officials of the bank where the …