The national president of the BJP, JP Nadda hit out at the Congress for making personal attacks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi from the day he took charge. He said the party’s senior leader Rahul Gandhi and former president Sonia Gandhi were unable to stomach the fact that a common man could be prime minister. Referring to Mallikarjun Kharge’s statement …
Gujarat Assembly election: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday hit back at Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge over his ‘100-head Ravan remark’. On this land of ‘Rambhakts’, they were asked to say, "Modi ji 100 maatha wala Ravan",” said PM Modi while addressing a poll rally in Kalol, Panchmahal. Addressing a poll rally in Kalol town of Panchmahal district in Gujarat …
Gujarat Elections 2022: As poll battle brews up ahead of Gujarat elections, Congress newly elected president Mallikarjun Kharge made an objectionable comment on Prime Minister Narendra Modi comparing him with Ravan, as he's visible in every election. Addressing a public rally in Gujarat, Mallikarjun Kharge said that does Modi has 100 heads as he's visible in every election. Slamming Mallikarjun …