Karnataka Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao announced Monday that the state government will roll out a new program next month aimed at reducing the rising number of Caesarean deliveries. C-sections have become a norm in private healthcare due to financial incentives and convenience, Rao said. According to Indian Express, Rao highlighted that the overall C-section rate in Karnataka had jumped …
As the maternal deaths in Ballari reached five on Friday, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah assured stringent action against those responsible based on the report by an expert committee. Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao stated that steps had already been taken, including a show-cause notice issued to the Managing Director of the Karnataka State Medical Supplies Corporation Limited. #WATCH | Bengaluru: …
BENGALURU: Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao on Friday said he is “ready to resign” if that helps, over the rising maternal deaths in Ballari, whose toll has now touched five. A fifth patient, who was receiving treatment, also passed away on Thursday night, Gundu Rao said. She was also off antibiotics, Gundu Rao said, adding that the update the department …
Five districts in Karnataka have a high Maternal Mortality Ratio of above 100, with Chickballapur recording the highest at 159 per lakh live births, according to Karnataka’s Civil Registration System data from 2021 -22 to 2023-24. While 36 and 39 maternal deaths were recorded in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 respectively, this year from April till October end the district recorded 22 …
Bengaluru/ Shivamogga The State Health Department has confirmed that two of the five deaths in Kavadigara Hatti in Chitradurga are due to cholera. Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao, who visited Chitradurga along with officials on Saturday, told presspersons that laboratory reports had confirmed the presence of Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium that causes cholera, in samples of two of the persons …