Karnataka BJP took to social media to hit out at Dinesh. Congress’s hatred for Marathas and Maharashtra is visible!” the Karnataka BJP posted on ‘X’. BJP MLC CT Ravi questioned Dinesh if he was supporting cow slaughter or justifying the consumption of beef. Didn’t criticise Savarkar personally Dinesh Issuing a statement to the media on Thursday evening, Dinesh Gundu Rao …
Union Minister Anant Kumar Hegde today sparked controversy after he mocked Congress president Rahul Gandhi for asking for proof of the Indian Air Force's air strike against Pakistan. pic.twitter.com/FWXFky5jXH ANI March 11, 2019 Criticising Anant Kumar Hegde for his comments, Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee president Dinesh Gundu Rao said Anant Kumar Hegde was once again indulging in making "crude, crass …