With the Uttar Pradesh government agreeing to their demand, a second post-mortem was conducted on Tuesday night by a team of experts from Lucknow, Superintendent of Police Sujata Singh said. Bahraich: Gurvinder Singh alias Gyaniji, one of the four farmers killed in the Lakhimpur Kheri violence, was cremated on Wednesday morning after a second autopsy was conducted on him as …
The second autopsy report of farmer Gurvinder Singh, one of the eight killed in Lakhimpur Kheri on Sunday, also did not mention any bullet injuries, his family said on Wednesday a day after they had rejected the first autopsy. Gurvinder’s brother-in-law Raman Singh told The Hindu the second autopsy report also did not reflect any bullet injury. The family said …
Haryana Steelers beat Gujarat Fortune Giants 41-24 in the first match of the night, with home team Dabang Delhi securing an equally resounding 40-24 win, its third on the trot in the home leg of Pro Kabaddi League 2019. 25-14: It's a do-or-die raid for Dabang Delhi and Naveen Kumar completes a successful raid, eliminating U Mumba captain Fazel Atrachali. …