WARANGAL: Forest officials had a narrow escape on Tuesday, after being chased by axe-wielding tribals of the Guttikoya community while carrying out trenching work in the forests between Thadvai and Kothaguda mandals. Wazahath of Kothaguda had ordered officials in the Ootai forest area to visit Buddha Gadda and undertake trenching work on podu land which was being cultivated by the …
Kothagudem: Adivasi organisations and social activists are on a protest against the forest department issuing eviction notices to 48 Guttikoya families in Errabodu and the resolution passed by the Bendalapadu grama sabha expelling the community from the hamlet. Adivasi elder Madakam Junnu said, “We are ready to fight and die here.” Leader of nine adivasi sects of Telangana Chunchu Ramarkishna …