Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram recently to share two of her favourite glam looks of 2024. Sonam Kapoor's glam is always on point Sonam posted the clip with the caption, “Two of my fave glam looks from last month! As for the second look, with her hair tied in a centre-parted ponytail, Sonam chose winged eyeliner, glossy caramel lips, mascara-adorned …
Dua Lipa was joined by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as they led the stars attending Jacquemus' La Casa cruise in Capri, Italy on Monday. The singer, 28, who is currently gearing up to play Glastonbury, stunned in a semi-sheer gown while the model, 37, opted for a chic zebra print skirt. Dua Lipa was joined by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as they led the …
Actress Tina Datta is known to bring out best of fashion on her feed. As the most awaited Durga Pooja festival is here, we take a recall at 5 times when actress Tina Datta slayed the Bengali look… Being a bong, and an avid follower of her culture and traditions, Tina never misses her Durga Pooja Shoots. Here, we assemble …