Bollywood actor Kiara Advani surely knows how to keep up with the latest trends. Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 actor Kiara Advani in halter neck dress and bold neon makeup channels Y2K aesthetics: See pics On Friday, celebrity hairstylist Amit Thakur took to Instagram to share pictures of Kiara dressed in a chic halter-neck ensemble and captioned it, "A lil #y2k #hairmoment …
Nikki Tamboli is the new queen of drama and style in showbiz. Nikki's breathtaking hourglass curves were highlighted by the front and side cutouts in the stunning ensemble. Nikki Tamboli Flaunts Sensuous Curves In Cutout Gown, Check Out The Diva’s Sexy Pictures Nikki's sky-high blingy shoes added length to her outfit without drawing attention away from it, and she finished …
Demi Rose showed off her latest incredible fashion look on Instagram on Thursday as she endured another day in lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic. The 25-year-old looked incredible wearing a white halterneck ribbed dress which clung to her hourglass curves and suited her perfectly. Looking good: Demi Rose showed off her incredible hourglass curves in a white semi-sheer ribbed halter …
She is known for showing off her incredible figure on catwalks around the world. And Joan Small looked just as beautiful on the red carpet as she does on the runway while heading into the Daily Front Row Awards on Sunday. Glittering: Joan Small looked just as stunning on the red carpet as she does on the runway as she …