Days ahead of polling for the sole Lok Sabha constituency in Ladakh, the National Conference on Monday suffered a major setback after its Kargil unit resigned en-masse. The development comes after the party high command, including president Farooq Abdullah, asked the party cadre in Kargil to support the INDIA bloc candidate Tsering Namgyal of the Congress. We have submitted a …
Mohammed Haneefa Makkatt against whom a red notice has been issued and a wanted by Kerala police for kidnapping and murdering a man named Karim in 2006, has been extradited from Saudi Arabia and brought back to India on Sunday, sources informed. Mohammed Haneefa Makkata, a fugitive with an Interpol Red Corner Notice issued against him, was wanted by the …
In a path-breaking judgment, the Kerala High Court on Monday allowed a petition moved by transwoman Hina Haneefa seeking her admission into the National Cadet Corps. "The petitioner shall be allowed to apply for enrolment into NCC in the senior girls division, as per her self-perceived gender identity", ruled a single bench of Justice Anu Sivaraman, allowing Hina Haneefa's plea.The. …