Filmmaker Vignesh Shivn on Friday took to Instagram to wish actor and wife Nayanthara on her birthday with a heartfelt note. Calling it her most special birthday, Vignesh said that seeing Nayanthara as a mother is by far the happiest and the most complete formation of herself. As a father & mother of two beautifully blessed children.” Vignesh Shivan penned …
Govinda is celebrating his 56th birthday today. Wishing the actor on Twitter, Raveena shared a video with him and wrote, "Happiest Birthday to one of the funniest and amazing people I know, @govindaahuja21. Happiest Birthday to one of the funniest and amazing people I know, @govindaahuja21 Have an amazing year ahead, God bless. Raveena Tandon December 21, 2019 Govinda …
Actor Akshay Kumar has shared a message for his daughter Nitara, who turned seven on Wednesday, September 25. Happy birthday darling, Nitara.” The picture appears to have been taken at the Kumar family’s recent trip to England, where they celebrated the back-to-back birthdays of Akshay and his son Aarav. Akshay’s wife, writer Twinkle Khanna, had shared a picture of the …