The Enforcement Directorate has conducted searches at 17 locations in Uttarakhand, Delhi, and Haryana in connection with two cases allegedly involving former Uttarakhand Forest Minister Harak Singh Rawat and others. “Further, the accused persons had illegally sold the said land to Deepti Rawat w/o Harak Singh Rawat and Laxmi Singh whereon Doon Institute of Medical Science, Dehradun has been constructed …
The Enforcement Directorate on 7th February searched seventeen locations in Delhi, Uttrakhand, and Chandigarh in connection with a forest scam case involving Uttarakhand Congress leader and former forest minister Harak Singh Rawat. #WATCH | Enforcement Directorate conducts raids at residences related to former Uttarakhand minister Harak Singh Rawat in Dehradun. Teams from the Uttarakhand Vigilance Department raided a medical college …