Weeks before the Uttarakhand assembly elections, expelled Bharatiya Janata Party minister Harak Singh Rawat on Friday joined the Congress, along with his daughter-in-law Anukriti Gusain, in New Delhi in presence of former chief minister Harish Rawat. Former BJP leader Harak Singh Rawat and his daughter in law Anukriti flash victory sign after joining Congress, in New Delhi, ahead of the …
Harak Singh Rawat, who was expelled by the Bharatiya Janata Party joined the Congress on Friday, five days after his expulsion from Uttarakhand's ruling party. In joining the Congress, Harak Singh Rawat returned to the party, which he left to join the BJP in 2017. A sitting minister in the Uttarakhand government, the politician was expelled by chief minister Pushkar …
Highlights BJP will never understand the problems of the common man, Harak Singh Rawat said I will continue to work for the welfare of people and for the Congress party, Rawat said Rawat also said he did not even attend the BJP core group meeting The Congress party will form a government in Uttarakhand, expelled Bharatiya Janata Party Minister Harak …
Harak Singh Rawat, who was dismissed from Bharatiya Janata Party -led government in Uttarakhand on Saturday, is likely to join the Congress party today, news agency ANI reported. Harak Singh Rawat was not toeing the line of BJP, and repeatedly created issues in the last five years, Hindustan Times' sister publication Livehindustan reported. BJP's tough message The decision to remove …
Highlights Rawat and his daughter-in-law Anukriti Gusain had left for Delhi on Sunday Rawat is upset because his daughter-in-law did not get a ticket, a close aide of the minister said Harak Singh Rawat is in touch with the Congress and talks are on to get him in, sources have said Uttarakhand politics saw a dramatic turn of events after …