Mahesh Babu is thrilled about the release of his upcoming film, Sarkaru Vaari Paata, directed by Parasuram. MAHESH BABU ANNOUNCES HIS NEXT FILM Mahesh Babu's fans have been trending #SSMB28 on Twitter ahead of the announcement of the actor's film with Trivikram Srinivas. — Haarika & Hassine Creations May 1, 2021 Almost after an hour, the production house made the …
The crime patterns began emerging in the last year: crews of thieves employing inventive techniques to gain entry and ransack scores of cars, homes and businesses in Southern California and across the nation. Last week, Simi Valley police, working with the California Highway Patrol and Ventura County deputies, arrested three Chilean men for multiple vehicle burglaries. “In addition, they are …