In Hidden Kingdom, the unusual plants of the Western Ghats are demystified and allowed the space they need to be understood in their singularity, Urvashi Bahuguna writes in a new column about environmental literature, #PagesFromTheWild In this fortnightly column, Pages From The Wild, Urvashi Bahuguna looks at accessible, engaging books from around the world, on the environment and ecology. She …
At the Hyderabad Literary Festival last weekend, amid the many panel discussions and debates, a botanical illustrator quietly made her presence felt. Bengaluru-based Nirupa Rao was at HLF to launch her second book, Hidden Kingdom - Fantastical Plants of the Western Ghats. Cover story Nirupa Rao has also illustrated Amitav Ghosh’s new book Gun Island and the publishing house Penguin, …
Like an airborne samurai, talons drawn, green eyes squinting fiendishly, a thing of beauty swoops down on its panicked victim. And each had to show one interesting behaviour trait of the hummingbird — I learnt about ‘nectar thieving’, when they cleverly pierce through the flower’s base to reach the nectar; but this short-cut means the bird does precious little for …