The Mukkom police on Thursday impounded a truck that was allegedly altered with a hidden storage tank for the illegal retail distribution of diesel. According to police sources, the hidden storage tank was built with a capacity to store about 1,200 litres of fuel. The police squad carried out the flash checking following a tip-off from some of the approved …
In today's urban landscape, where space is often a luxury, design elements that create the illusion of spaciousness are essential. By combining living, dining, and workspace areas in one or incorporating hidden storage within seating, you free up floor space while adding utility to every corner. Vertical storage solutions Instead of occupying valuable floor space, vertical storage solutions make use …
In today’s world, making the most out of every inch of your living space is crucial. Benefits of pull-out sofa cum beds with storage: Space-saving: Combines seating and sleeping functions into one piece of furniture, making it perfect for small spaces. Benefits of folding sofa cum beds with storage: Versatile functionality: Easily switch between a comfortable sofa and a spacious …