Domestic equity benchmark Sensex jumped over 100 points in opening session on Wednesday tracking positive cues from Asian peers. The BSE Sensex was trading 114.99 points or 0.30 per cent higher at 38,607.94; while the NSE Nifty was up 32.45 points or 0.29 per cent at 11,333. In the previous session, the 30-share Sensex had settled at 38,492.95, up 558.22 …
Indian share market nudged higher in opening deals on Thursday, helped by hopes of a rate cut by the Reserve Bank later in the day and a possibility of a trade deal between the US and China sooner than speculated. The 30-share BSE Sensex was trading higher by 84.17 points at 40,934.46 in opening deals; while the broader 50-share NSE …
The rupee strengthened by 15 paise to 68.81 against the US dollar in opening trade Tuesday on fresh selling of the greenback by exporters. At the Interbank forex market, the rupee opened higher at 68.88 and strengthened further to 68.81 against the US dollar, higher by 15 paise over its previous close. On Tuesday, the rupee ended almost flat at …
At the interbank forex market, the rupee opened with strength at 71 and advanced further to quote 16 paise higher at 70.98 against the dollar. Mumbai: The rupee firmed 14 paise to 70.98 against the dollar in opening trade on Monday after the greenback came under pressure against some currencies amid foreign fund inflows and a higher opening of domestic …