你也许只是觉得今年的冬天比往年暖和了一点,但实际上全球变暖的危害远远超出你的想象。全球变暖会摧毁珊瑚礁,导致生物灭绝,造成农作物歉收,如今新研究发现,全球变暖还会导致早产和婴幼儿肥胖,并降低怀孕率。 The climate crisis is damaging the health of foetuses, babies and infants across the world, six new studies have found. Higher temperatures were also linked to premature birth, which can have lifelong health effects, and to increased hospital admissions of young children. They analysed 200,000 births and found that babies exposed to the highest 20% of night-time temperatures had …
一到夏天,某些办公室里就开始掀起“空调大战”,男士们坚持要把温度开到20度甚至更低,而女士们则坚持开到25度。其实,办公室温度不仅和体感舒适度有关,还对工作有影响。 新研究发现,把空调温度调高有利于提高女性工作效率,而低温则有利于男性更好地工作。更重要的是,较高室温给女性所带来的效率增幅远远大于男性的效率降幅。 Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash Scientists have raised the stakes in the battle of the sexes over office air conditioning by discovering women’s brains work better at higher temperatures. 对女性而言,较高室温所带来的工作效率提高的幅度比男性工作效率下降的幅度“明显更大”。 "Our findings suggest that gender mixed workplaces may be able to increase productivity by setting the thermostat higher than current standards,” the study found. 研究发现,“男女混合的工作场所中或许可以通过调高室温来提高工作效率”。 thermostat: n. …