The radio lost its spirited friend as Ameen Sayani, the ebullient voice of a harmonious India, passed away on Tuesday at 91. The iconic radio presenter became a household name in the early 1950s with Binaca Geetmala where he introduced popular Hindi film songs to a young, liberated India with his inimitable voice modulation, flowery language and engaging style. This …
It was a glitzy evening with the who's who of Indian cricket from age-group players to the yesteryear stars of domestic and international cricket - men and women attended the BCCI's annual Naman Awards in Hyderabad on Tuesday, January 25. Even the England men's team's coaching staff starring Brendon McCullum and Paul Collingwood were also present ahead of the series …
Honestly, I went through a lot of changes as a kid. From there, I delved into various genres because I’ve always believed that musicality isn’t limited to a single genre, and all forms of good music should be appreciated. Ultimately, music serves as a powerful tool for connecting with one another, and it’s particularly fulfilling when people have a great …
When he performs, his listeners are left mesmerized but he calls himself ‘Naalayak’. Meet Sahil Samuel, Chandigarh-born vocalist and songwriter, who is also the founder & front man for the Naalayak band that travels all over India with its music. Born into a middle-class family, Sahil began writing songs at a young age and when it was time to pick …