Suspended Mumbai Police officer Sachin Waze, through his brother, Sudharm has filed a habeas corpus petition in the Bombay High Court calling his arrest by the National Investigating Agency "illegal," and seeking his immediate release from custody. "The haste in which the Petitioner's brother was arrested clearly shows some ulterior motives and huge political influence and interference with the sole …
Assistant Police Inspector Sachin Vaze, against whom an FIR has been registered by the Anti-Terrorism Squad probing the Mansukh Hiren case, has filed an anticipatory bail plea in the Thane sessions court. Sachin Vaze was not present in court but his lawyers argued that the statement of Mansukh's wife accusing the officer is merely based on suspicion and that there …
The Maharashtra Anti Terrorism Squad investigating the mysterious death of Thane businessman Mansukh Hiren recorded statements of his wife and sons on Wednesday. Hiren's wife Vimla and her two sons were questioned at the Thane ATS office and were present for around six hours. Case was transferred to Maharashtra ATS The case of Hiren's death was transferred to Maharashtra ATS …
The wife of Mansukh Hiren, the owner of the vehicle found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence, has mentioned in her complaint that police officer Sachin Vaze killed her husband. Vimala said Mansukh Hiren, an auto parts dealer, was in possession of the Scorpio car for three years and it originally belonged to one Peter Newton. "On March 2, Hiren informed …
Assam Police has filed a case against three intellectuals of the state on charges of sedition after they raised the issue of separate statehood. Assam Police has filed a case against three intellectuals of the state on charges of sedition after they raised the issue of separate statehood for Assam if the Citizenship Amendment Bill 2016 was passed by the …