India captain Rohit Sharma left an indelible mark on the heart of a local traffic police officer, Ranjeet Singh, on his recent visit to Indore for the second T20I match against Afghanistan. The traffic cop took to Facebook to share his gratitude, praising Rohit Sharma's humility and stating that a player's greatness is not solely defined by their sportsmanship but …
The Uunchai actor revealed that the young boy, who came all the way from Indore, broke the barrier and touched his feet to seek his blessings. Now, the actions of his young fan touched Amitabh Bachchan to such an extent that the megastar took to his latest blog on Tumblr to share the pictures of the incident and also to …
They've been inseparable ever since sparking up their whirlwind romance at the start of the year. Time apart: Julia Fox and Kanye West were seen out separately after their recent night out ended with the rapper having an altercation with a fan The Uncut Gems actress was fully clad in leather, rocking a distressed, sleeveless zip-up vest and pants that …
In a normal season, Bob Luckman still makes it to a couple of Bears games, and every so often he hears someone talking about his father, who was born in 1916, retired in 1950 and died in 1998. “Sammy was the better passer,” Halas is quoted as saying in Jeff Davis’ 2004 book “Papa Bear,” “but Sid was the greatest …
Indian cricket team captain Virat Kohli and his wife Anushka Sharma are used to giving autographs and posing for pictures with millions of fans across the world but on Tuesday, the superstar couple were taken aback when a young fan offered to give his autograph to them instead. "My 7 year old nephew, who is in Jamaica for the first …