In a bizarre incident, an inmate of Bhavnagar district jail was found to have hidden a small three-inch mobile phone inside his rectum. Ravi Bariya, a rape accused had smugled the phone and its charger into the facility, an intelligence received by the jail squad informed. The authorities who were convinced of the presence of a mobile phone with the …
Army bomb squad technicians were sent to a hospital after a man arrived in casualty with a WWII anti-tank shell lodged into his rectum. Medics called for specialist support after the man presented in the Accident and Emergency unit of Gloucestershire Royal Hospital in Gloucester when he could not remove the 57mm shell. The Army bomb squad were called to …
In a freak mishap, a six-year-old boy died in Indore on Sunday after his same-age friends allegedly pumped air into him by inserting a compressor into his rectum while playing, police said. As per the initial investigation, we have come to know that the boy's friends filled his abdomen with air by inserting an air compressor's nozzle into his rectum …