Honor smartphones will be launching in India once again, and we finally got an official confirmation from the company’s new chief this week. Madhav Sheth, the man who headed Realme India for many years is now part of Honor’s comeback in the country, who announced the news via this post. #FeelTheFreedom #FeelTheHonor #TechForIndians https://t.co/bdam3GZxhy— Madhav Sheth August 15, 2023 Sheth …
CNN — Taylor Swift has countless Grammys and American Music Awards, but this new honor will be a first for the global pop star. It’s a “pretty” millipede with a chestnut brown color and reddish-orange spots on its sides, Hennen said. Paul Marek, associate professor in the Virginia Tech department of entomology and formal doctoral candidate Jackson Means at Virginia …