India added 10,423 new coronavirus cases, the lowest in 259 days, while the active cases declined to 1,53,776, the lowest in 250 days, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Tuesday. The daily rise in new coronavirus infections has been below 20,000 for 25 straight days and less than 50,000 daily new cases have been reported for 128 …
Maintaining the declining trend in daily cases, India on Friday recorded 1.86 lakh new cases of Covid-19 -- the lowest 24-hour rise in 44 days -- pushing the overall tally to 2.75 crore. The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said with 2,59,459 recoveries in the last 24 hours, the recovery rate in India increased to 90.34 per cent. …
Currently, active cases comprise 4.26% of the total positive cases, and new recoveries have led to a net decline of 6,393 in the total active cases, the health ministry said New Delhi: India’s total COVID-19 active caseload dropped to 4,09,689 on Saturday, the lowest in 136 days, according to the Union health ministry. Currently, active cases comprise 4.26 percent of …