New Delhi: Chinese smartphone maker Huawei on Tuesday announced that its recently launched "P30 Lite" smartphone will go on sale on Thursday in India. The smartphone comes equipped with a 6.15-inch LCD screen with teardrop notch, AI-enabled 24MP+8MP+2MP triple rear camera set-up and 32MP selfie camera powered by a Kirin 710 processor. The smartphone was launched as part of Huawei's …
Huawei, the Chinese smartphone giant that recently launched the Huawei P30 and the P30 Pro, have been added to YouTube Signature Devices list that also includes the Honor View 20. The YouTube Signature Devices list includes phones that support YouTube features that includes 4K decoding, 360-degree video, HDR, high frame rate, Google's VP9 profile 2 decoding and DRM support. Also, …
Chinese smartphone maker Huawei today launched a new flagship smartphone in India - Huawei P30 Pro. Priced at ₹19,990, the P30 Lite is essentially a stripped down version of the Huawei P30 Pro. The second largest smartphone maker globally, however, did not announce the Huawei P30, which was also launched alongside the two smartphones at an event in Paris last …
Huawei pretty much nailed the smartphone camera game this year with the P20 Pro and Mate 20 Pro, and it's only expected to get bigger in 2019. We The Huawei P30 Pro will not be the first phone to come with four rear cameras. That being said, the P30 Pro will definitely offer flagship-grade optics as opposed to the Galaxy …