Huawei has announced the launch of a new phone, the P40 Lite 5G. The device appears to be an upgraded version of the Huawei P40 Lite launched earlier in the year. The Huawei P40 Lite 5G gets some interesting upgrades, including an improved chipset, upgraded primary camera, and support for 5G basebands. Huawe P40 Lite 5G: Price The phone has …
All the leaks and rumours finally come to rest as Huawei Mobile launches the much-anticipated Huawei P40 series. Huawei P40 Pro and P40 Pro+ Huawei P40 and P40 Pro+ sport a 6.58-inch OLED display with a resolution of 2640x1200 and a high refresh rate of 90Hz. Instead of the 12MP telephoto lens, the P40 Pro+ houses an 8-megapixel 3x optical …