Tamil Nadu Minister for Forests, K. Ponmudy, faced public outrage during his visit to Villupuram district on Monday, as locals protested against what they called "inadequate" relief measures in the aftermath of Cyclone Fengal. The CM and the Deputy Chief Minister were busy taking photos in the streets of Chennai while the city received very little rain and did not …
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated and laid the foundation stone for projects worth ₹35,700 crore in Jharkhand. Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the ₹8,900-crore fertiliser facility of Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Ltd in Sindri, located in the Dhanbad district, as part of his commitment to national projects. On PM Modi's Jharkhand visit, State Health Minister Banna Gupta said, …
Popular American boy band Backstreet Boys, consisting of Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, AJ McLean, Brian Littrell, and Kevin Richardson, performed a successful concert in Mumbai that marked the beginning of their DNA World Tour and then went on to entertain their fans in Gurugram, Haryana. However, the Mumbai concert video, which depicts AJ McLean and Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet …
Large swathes of northeast Delhi were in throes of unprecedented violence as Muslim anti-CAA rioters went on a rampage. Read: Shiv Vihar ground report: Tale of two schools, one owned by a Muslim used as a war base, the other, owned by a Hindu, gutted by Islamists When he examined the claim made by the person, we found that the …