Allu Aravind, producer and father of Allu Arjun, visited Sri Teja, the nine-year-old boy who was critically injured during Pushpa 2 screening. Allu Aravind further defended his son Allu Arjun and explained why he hadn't visited the injured child at the hospital. The reason is that when Allu Arjun wanted to come the next day of the stampede, the hospital …
Allu Arjun, who was arrested in connection with the tragic death of a woman during a stampede at Hyderabad’s Sandhya Theatre on December 4, following the premiere of ‘Pushpa 2’, has been granted bail. Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun granted bail Meanwhile, on Friday, the Hyderabad police issued a clarification addressing claims of misbehavior towards the actor. In an official …
In the latest update, the husband of the fan, who died at the 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' premiere in Hyderabad, has said that he holds no grudge against the actor and is even willing to withdraw the case filed against him. On Friday, Allu Arjun was arrested in connection with the death of a woman named Revathy in the stampede …