After the Tamil Nadu government acquired land for hydrocarbon projects, Dalits lost access to it “Do you see that fire burning?” Shanthi Shanmugam, an agricultural labourer from Pazhaiyapalayam village, in Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu, added: “It burns over our heads 24X7. The report quoted the Central Pollution Control Board’s observations on Anaimangalam oil spill: “Oil leakages are occurring regularly …
He has been at the forefront of two of the most significant and successful mass movements witnessed by the State in recent times – the anti-hydrocarbon protest at Neduvasal in 2017 and, more recently, a ‘kudimaramathu’ initiative propelled by the youth in Thanjavur and Pudukottai districts. As president of the Kadaimadai Area Integrated Farmers’ Association, Mr. Ramkumar spearheaded the renovation …