Xiaomi on Friday launched the Pad 7 in India with a Qualcomm processor and accessories such as keypad and a stylus. The Xiaomi Pad 7 has an 11.2 inch display having a 3:2 aspect ration and with a peak brightness of 800 nits and a refresh rate of 144 Hz. The Chinese smartphone maker has used an 8,850 mAh battery …
Upgrade your home entertainment system with the best TVs available today, offering a mix of cutting-edge technology and superior visuals that will transform how you watch movies, enjoy gaming, and stream your favourite shows. Specifications Refresh rate 60 Hz Display LED Connectivity Wi-Fi, USB, Ethernet, HDMI Transform your entertainment with this 55-inch 4K Ultra HD QLED TV, featuring Dolby Vision …
Amazon has started its Grand Gaming Days’ sale offering cashback and discounts on televisions, gaming laptops, computer accessories, and more. If you are looking for a new laptop for gaming here are the top picks: ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 The ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14 has a 14-inch FHD+ display with a 60 Hz refresh rate and IPS-level anti-glare panel. The …