Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd, the company which operates Cafe Coffee Day outlets, said on Friday that the IDBI Trusteeship Services had filed an application before the National Company Law Tribunal for insolvency proceedings. This comes nearly a month after the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal had stayed an order of the NCLT that had directed initiation of insolvency proceedings against …
Reliance Home Finance Ltd’s debenture holders have filed a contempt case against Authum Investment and Infrastructure Ltd, Reliance Home, and IDBI Trusteeship, alleging “wilful disobedience” of the Supreme Court’s 3 March order. The SC had authorized AIIL to implement its proposed resolution plan to turn around the company as part of Reliance Home’s corporate insolvency resolution process, in accordance with …
The Supreme Court on Friday directed that the ad-interim protection granted to Future Retail by Bombay High Court, wherein it restrained IDBI Trusteeship & UBS Bank from invoking & selling shares of Future Retail Ltd shall continue till May 4. Gavai refused to interfere in the order of ad-interim protection passed by the Bombay High Court on March 30 in …