A 10-year-old boy was killed in the explosion of a pressure IED planted by Maoists in Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur district on Saturday, police said. Police in a statement said that the boy, Hidma Kawasi, a resident of Mutvendi village, was grazing goats near Pidiya Murumpara village at around 2.30pm when he accidentally came in contact with a pressure IED connection, triggering …
New Delhi: The death toll in the January 1 killings in Jammu and Kashmir's Rajouri has risen to seven with one more civilian succumbing to injuries at a hospital in Jammu on Sunday, officials said, as reported by PTI. According to the report, the victim, identified as Prince Sharma, reportedly died at the Government Medical College Hospital, where he was …
Terrorists struck for the second time at the same site within 14 hours in Jammu and Kashmir’s Rajouri, leaving a minor sister-brother duo dead and six others injured in an IED explosion on Monday. Sanvi Sharma and Vihan Kumar Sharma were killed in the blast in Dangri village where terrorists had opened fire at three houses on Sunday evening, killing …
A 17-year-old boy has been apprehended for his alleged role in the rocket-propelled grenade attack on Punjab Police intelligence headquarters in Mohali in May, Delhi Police special cell said on Friday. Special commissioner of police HGS Dhaliwal said the teenager, along with one Surakpur and Monu Dagar, had also been tasked to eliminate actor Salman Khan by Lawrence Bishnoi and …
Highlights 17 year-old boy confesses that he had planned and executed various explosions in Shillong last year Class-12 student was involved in planting an improvised explosive device at the ruling NPP’s office He was also part of the team that planned an IED attack in Laitumkhrah in August 2021 A 17 year-old boy, detained earlier this week in connection with …