Star shooter Manu Bhaker has been confirmed as India's flag bearer for the closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics on Sunday. Bhaker doubled India's tally when she joined forces with shooter Sarabjot Singh to bag the 10m air pistol mixed team bronze. India's Manu Bhaker celebrates after winning bronze in the 10m air pistol women's final A day after being …
Abir Chatterjee plays the lead in SonyLiv's upcoming series, Avrodh Season 2. In an exclusive chat with, Abir Chatterjee said that he takes immense pride in being identified as a Bengali actor. ABIR CHATTERJEE TAKES IMMENSE PRIDE IN BEING CALLED A BENGALI ACTOR Recently, Swastika Mukherjee took to Twitter to express her dislike over being referred to as a …
In one of the most memorable days in Indian sports history, the men’s hockey team on Thursday defeated Germany to win the bronze medal at the ongoing Tokyo Olympics. !Indian Men’s Hockey Team defeats Germany by 5-4 at #Tokyo2020 Entire nation is Proud of #TeamIndia#Cheer4India — Ministry of Railways August 5, 2021 What an incredible game! Well done!#TeamIndia— …