South Korean rapper BI, also known as Kim Han-bin, made his maiden visit to India last weekend. In a candid conversation, Han-bin reflected on his impressions of India, mentioning iconic elements such as Indian curry, the Taj Mahal, and the country’s rich culture. When asked whom he would like to collaborate with from India, Han-bin mentioned Hanumankind. At the K-Town …
For us Indians, there’s only one recipe for the kaeng phet. Each offers variations of sushi, dim-sums and fried rice, but the Thai curry persists, disguised as Mumbai’s KOKO’s “South-East Asian Red Curry” or Foo’s “Foo Yellow Curry”. “I started selling my Thai curry paste during lockdown, made the authentic way that I learnt from my parents,” says chef Seefah …
As I write this, a couple of birds are distracting me. We took two days to make a 19-hour journey from our home in Bengaluru to my cousin’s lovely home overlooking the Arabian Sea near a town called Nandgaon on the Konkan coast. There were isolated little eateries nestled among the forest, staffed by charming families offering a variety of …
Turmeric was once known as 'the poor man's saffron': an earthy-tasting spice good for adding golden colour to food and drinks. "Turmeric is in 90 per cent of Indian food, and an average Indian would eat turmeric in 10 different ways in one day," says author and chef Ragini Dey, who's been cooking a range of Indian food in Adelaide …