Sanjay Malhotra on Wednesday took charge as the 26th Governor of the Reserve Bank of India. Malhotra, a career bureaucrat, arrived at the central bank's headquarter this morning, where he was welcomed by senior RBI staffers.The central bank confirmed Malhotra's appointment through a post on the microblogging site "X" and also shared a few pictures.Malhotra, who recently served as the …
Sanjay Malhotra, a veteran of the Indian Administrative Service officer who served in Rajasthan cadre in the 1990s, is set to assume charge as the 26th Governor of the Reserve Bank of India on Wednesday. Direct transition from north section Malhotra will be the first RBI Governor after Duvvuri Subbarao who moved directly from the North Block, the seat of …
The appointment of Sanjay Malhotra as the new RBI governor continues the long-standing tradition of IAS officers heading the Central bank, a quasi-autonomous body that decides the country’s monetary policy. Mr Malhotra took over the charge of RBI from Shaktikanta Das — the second longest serving governor after Sir Benegal Rama Rau’s stint of seven years and 197 days — …