Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi, the party's deputy leader in the Lok Sabha, on Thursday filed an adjournment notice to address the series of tragic train accidents across India. In a letter to the Lok Sabha Secretary General, Gogoi highlighted that the recent wave of tragic train accidents has resulted in "immense loss of life, suffering, and economic disruption." The number …
Bus accident: As many as 24 people have lost their lives and more than 41 were injured after a bus en route to Indore fell off a bridge in Khargone district in Madhya Pradesh. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced Rs 4 Lakh will be given to the kin of the deceased, Rs. Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed grief over …
BHOPAL/MORENA: Four people including two children were killed and seven people injured in an explosion in their rented home in Madhya Pradesh’s Morena district, part of which was used to store firecrackers, police said. The Morena police said it was unclear if the explosion reported in the Banmore fire was on account of stored firecrackers or a gas cylinder The …
AIADMK Member of Parliament from Villupuram, S Rajendran passed away Saturday in a road accident. Rajendran’s car hit a road divider near Tindivanam, in Villupuram district, at around 5 am on Saturday. All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Member of Parliament from Villupuram, S Rajendran passed away Saturday in a road accident, media reports said. Rajendran, a graduate from the …