Former Haryana chief parliamentary secretary and three-time MLA Rampal Majra, a close aide of late Chaudhary Devi Lal, on March 20 returned to Indian National Lok Dal’s fold after over five years to take over party’s reins as a State president. Mr. Majra joined the Bharatiya Janta Party in 2019 following differences with Chautalas after around four decades of his …
Haryana Home Minister Anil Vij on Monday said he will get the data related to the number of deaths because of spurious and illicit liquor in the state checked after INLD MLA Abhay Chautala questioned the figures presented by the minister in the Assembly. On the opening day of the three-day Haryana Assembly session, Vij said a total of 36 …
With the Indian National Lok Dal battling internal crisis after the split in the party and the infighting among factions within the Congress, may make going easy for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in the Lok Sabha poll, according to political analysts. Political analysts told The Hindu that the breaking of the INLD could split Jat votes, damaging party’s prospects …