Rapper Cardi B took to her Instagram handle and announced the arrival of her third child, a baby girl, weeks after her separation from husband Offset. In her post, Cardi B revealed that she welcomed her daughter on September 7 and shared a series of heartwarming pictures featuring all her kids and ex-husband. See the post: In one of the …
NEW YORK — Cardi B has filed for divorce from her husband, rapper Offset. A representative for Cardi B confirmed the news to The Associated Press, writing, “This is not based on any one particular incident, it has been a long time coming and is amicable.” On Instagram, Cardi B did not directly comment on the news of her divorce, …
Cardi B and Offset's often-tumultuous relationship seems to have hit another rough patch, with the musicians now unfollowing each other on Instagram. Rough patch: Cardi B and Offset 's often-tumultuous relationship seems to have hit another rough patch, with the musicians now unfollowing each other on Instagram Outgrow: The news comes just hours after a rather cryptic Instagram story post …