Instagram, the popular photo and video-sharing platform owned by Meta, is reportedly experimenting with a fresh feature known as "Unseen Story Highlights." It seems to work as a way to catch up if you missed the original content 🔗 Follow my WhatsApp Channel for more updates: — Ahmed Ghanem December 17, 2024 A Meta spokesperson in a statement …
Instagram is one of the most popular apps in India and around the world. Highlights are at the front and centre of your Instagram profile page. Instagram Highlights represent a great way to save your favourite stories and share them permanently with your followers. However, if an Instagram account is private, the stories and highlights become the same, so a …
A film crew sets up lights and cameras for shooting a scene on the lawn of Los Angeles City Hall. “I think a lot of people are reaching a breaking point.” Hollywood’s return to production, after pandemic-induced closures caused thousands of job losses, has been welcome to many in the industry. “Because of COVID-19, people are starting to recognize working …
Instagram stories are a post or video which disappear after 24 hours, it is a handy way of sharing fleeting moments from your life without immortalizing them on your feed. How to add Instagram story to a highlight Follow the below-given steps to add Instagram story to a highlight. Step 4: Next you need to select the story or stories …
Olivia Nikkanen documented her experience on Instagram highlights saying she came down with body aches, chills and temperature on 13 March, which escalated on 14 March The Society actress Olivia Nikkanen has tested for the novel coronavirus. She also documented her experience on Instagram highlights saying she came down with body aches, chills and temperature on 13 March, which escalated …